925. Mobius Episodes (6)

Scene 6: Dinner at Moena’s

Leah: Okay, Grandpa. I’m ready to eat some good Italian food.

Grandpa: You, my dear, are in luck. One of the best Italian restaurants is across the river on Market Street. It was Uncle Phil’s favorite—Moena’s.

Leah: What’s your favorite dish?

Grandpa:  It was your grandma, but now I think it’s the veal parmesan. Fabulous.

Leah: You know that’s a sexist thing to say nowadays, Grandpa.

Grandpa: I said it anachronistically, Leah.

Leah: I’m not even gonna ask what you mean. Let’s go. Mom told me to keep a short leash on you.

[Five minutes later they arrive at Moena’s. Frank is warmly greeted by the grandkids of the original owners. They make a big deal over Leah.]

Gina:  Oh, Frankie, she looks like Hope at the same age.

Grandpa: You think she’s that pretty?

Leah rolls her eyes as if to say “Impossible!” in any language.

Gina: [False scolding tone] Never tease a woman about her looks, Frankie.

Grandpa: Gina, I love her just as she is.

Gina:  That’s better. Don’t be un burlone scherzoso.

Leah:  What’s that?

Gina: In Italian it means ‘a teasing jokester’

Leah: Yep, that’s about right. Grandpa says your restaurant is as good as any New York City Italian bistro.

Gina: True!! If you ever wanna comma back here, Honey, you ah say the samma thing. Si?

Leah: Si.

Grandpa: May we sit by the window, Gina? This is sort of my nostalgia tour, and I’d like to show Leah as much of Market Street life as I can.

Gina: Sure, Frankie. Come with me now.

[Seated. Smiling at the menu and one another.]

Leah: Grandpa, I love it!! The town, the B & B, this place. It just feels so cozy and familiar. Why didn’t we come hear years ago?

Grandpa: Well, you guys were out west, and when you got back you were into every sport, club, and activity on earth. Then that magnet high/ prep school. Let’s see then there was Mikey, Eduardo, Vince….

Leah:  Okay, I had a few admirers.

Grandpa:  and college in Miami. I’m not complaining, Honey, but choices necessitate exclusions. Maybe it was just supposed to be now? How about that? You know, destiny?

Leah: [Sighs] I don’t know, Grandpa. Don’t get me wrong: I’ve had a blessed life. Travel, skiing, music and voice lessons, the works. But this is like time travel for me. I can’t wait to see Grandma’s house and folks who knew her too.

Grandpa:  Good. I’m glad you’re on the same page with me. I was afraid you’d be politely bored.

Leah: No way!  I’m soaking up John Prine while soaking in a jacuzzi in Scarlett O’hara’s bedroom. This is awesome!! You know “Please Don’t Bury Me”?

Grandpa: Of course…. “down in that cold, cold ground. No I’d druther have’m cut me up and pass me all around. Throw my brain in a hurricane….

Leah: Grandpa! Show some decorum.

Grandpa: Okay, how’s this? [Simply smiles at her for a long minute, and she returns the smile, reaches for his hand.]

Leah: I love you, Grandpa.

Grandpa:  I love you too, Sweetheart.

Leah: Even though I’m a pickle butt?

Grandpa: Especially since you’re such a pickle butt. [Stares out the window.]

Leah: You’re looking at those hero flags again. Do you know some of those guys?

Grandpa: See that one across the street before the corner?

Leah: Uh huh.

Grandpa: That’s my Uncle Phil.

Leah: Oh! Gosh, I don’t know what to say. You must be proud of him.

Grandpa: Absolutely, it’s just this war carnage that tears a hole in my heart. He survived World War II, but lots of other guys did not come back alive… Korea, ‘Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan. Pointless annihilation.

Leah: I’m coming to see how you must feel. Do you know any of the others?

Grandpa: I sure do. I’ll point them out after dinner.

Leah: I’d like that. Tell me about them first, though so I have some frame to place them in.

Grandpa:  Honey, it’s not a pretty tale. No matter how you tell stories of war, they are not glorious, righteous, or beautiful. They are tragic.

Leah: I can handle tragedy. Remember? I’m one eighth Irish, I think. Anyway, I’m full Italian now. Let’s eat.

Grandpa: That veal is calling my name. How about you?

Leah: The ziti with prosciutto sounds heavenly. Um, think we can have a toast to Grandma?

Grandpa: That requires wine, Honey.

Leah: Duh!  How about the chianti?

Grandpa:  I’m not allowed, remember? Your mom has turned into my jailer.

Leah: Just one glass, okay?  Our secret.

Grandpa: [Smiles widely] I like sharing secrets with you. And I have a ton of them to share.

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